Kendra Brown

I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mentor. Above all, I am a follower of Jesus Christ who is passionate about encouraging His children to walk in the freedom that He died to give us all.
Throughout my Christian journey, God has given me scriptures as if they were personally written for me; some to encourage my soul, some to convict my heart, and some to fill my mind with His knowledge. The one scripture that best describes the call and purpose of my life is Isaiah 61:1-3.
The scripture refers to Jesus, anointed to bestow many glorious acts of love, restoration, revival, and renewal. If I’m going to follow Jesus, truly follow Him, would I not be about the same things?
The Lord has blessed me with a Christian husband, David, a true servant of Christ. We are parents to “our boys,” Hoppi and Hewi. We are constantly entertained by these two, and I’m always adding new photos of them to my Facebook page. David and I share a heart for the lost and hurting. God has perfectly blended our gifts together so that we can minister to people as a couple, as well as individuals. We have lived in about 12 different places in our 30 years together, and we now make Minneapolis our home.
Some of my favorite things include worship music, photography, writing, cooking, and a good movie.
Available Keynote Presentation
The Art of Stewardship
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Everything we've been given by God is His - we are called to be stewards of these blessings. This presentation will ask attendees access how they are stewarding their time, talents, and treasure in their family, business, and community. We'll look at the successes and where we need improvement.
The challenge for the attendees is to consider how God is asking them to prioritize the stewarding of their time, talents, and treasure to build His Kingdom. The presentation will include participation from the attendees, small group discussion, and large group discussion/take-a-ways. Biblical reference will be throughout entire presentation.
About Kendra Brown
Having an eternal perspective has helped Kendra simplify her life. Jesus had three commands - Love God, Love others, Fulfill the Great Commission. In her daily walk with God, Kendra keep's these three commands as her priority. Knowing all she's been given is a blessing and a responsibility to steward for God's glory keeps her at peace and in constant dependence on Him.
For years, Kendra allowed the success of her career to take priority in life, all for the sake of building the kingdom of the business owner. When the time involved took her away from her relationship with God, family, church, and community, she knew things had to change. This lifestyle was not what God had in mind when He created her. Kendra since found balance with her career - really her calling - which provides an opportunity to share her time, talents, and treasure in the manner God has prescribed.
"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33