Robb Hiller - Overcoming Cancer and Thriving With the Lord

Robb love to help companies and people because he loves the Lord and he is called to help others transform and discover the "natural talent" and become who God wants them to become.
Available Keynote Presentations
The Power of 3: Winning in Business and Life
We all face adversity and God gives us solutions to become victorious. Learn how I overcame 3 deadly cancers with the Power of 3, and how you can overcome obstacles too! Tyndale Publishing asked me to write my book "The Power of 3" that has now touched 8 million people. Watch this 2 minute clip of what to expect:
Running with Joy - 5 Key Leadership Steps Where You Can Better Discover Your God Given Talent
Learn 5 leadership principles from my dog, Bentley, that will help you live a godly life where you lead and succeed.
About Robb Hiller
As a CEO of a high tech company and now of a consulting company for over 25 years, I know what failure is about and what it means when Mayo Clinic tells you that they have found 3 deadly cancers. We all face adversity and God gives us solutions to become victorious. Tyndale Publishing felt this hopeful and inspirational message should be shared - "The Power of 3."