Architectural Design & Building
To Him be all the glory! There is no better way to glorify and praise God than to serve Him by serving others with the gifts that He has given us. He has blessed me beyond deserving with much joy and boundless creativity, along with a mind for analyzing and quickly problem solving. With my specific interest in drawing and creating amazing spaces, along with an endless fascination with people and their relationships, architecture was simply a natural fit.
At first success came easily. First in commercial interior architecture, for almost 8 years in downtown Minneapolis, MN and then in my own practice creating residential architectural design. This too was was prosperous and actually began building notoriety . . . until the housing market crashed. By 2010 my life would be flipped upside down and twisted in ways that I could have never imagined.
In that dark time I lost everything - my home, my practice, many of my friends and colleagues, and worst of all I had to give up my children. After that, I literally moved around the world attempting to avoid the "systemic reality" formed by our worldly culture. I wanted nothing to do with money as all it caused was pain and heartache. It seemed as if all that I had built previously was illusory and even my children did not, could not, stay with me for the lack of money for even a home.
Then in 2019 Jesus came and swept me up into His arms and claimed me for the Father. He literally was standing in my room telling me to get to Hudson, WI and restart my life. I went immediately upon His command. Found Faith Community Church, which is now my family in so many incredible ways. I found a job and an apartment. And began again only with His strength, not my own.
So many people had been praying for me and suddenly were reaching out helping me to find a place to live, buying shoes for me, teaching me FPU! . . . I struggled to find work as I slowly built a residential architectural design business again while holding various jobs to pay rent & bills. It has been 5 years of struggle (that feels like 25)! And each year the Lord teaches me hard lessons that I had not known or understood before. And He blesses me more and more every day with amazing yet humbling "success" (in quotes because the meaning of that word has blown up way beyond this world and taken on a whole new meaning!)
I have been reunited with many of my loved ones and yet await the day when my prodigal (now aetheist) children are sought out my Christ and brought home to the Father and, God willing, home to me, too.
In the meantime, I get to have so much joy and amazement every day with all of the incredible people who are jazzed about crafting and building these homes and all the myriad of details that go into them, let alone the people who are excited about hiring me and living in a home which transforms their relationships, brings them closer to one another and ultimately closer to God, is much, much more that I could have ever dreamed!
When I walked into my first Ambassadors In Business meeting and the first thing we did was bow our heads and pray, I felt like I was home (or as close to home as I can feel on this earth)! To be surrounded by other business owners who also choose to live their lives and do their work to serve the Lord and build His Kingdom is more than I could have ever dreamed of. Now I simply and humbly ask, "How may I serve?"