INCUBATE > Becoming a Transformational Entrepreneur
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 (8:00 PM - 8:45 PM) (CDT)
Becoming a Transformational Entrepreneur
How business dreams, leaders, and concepts can transform our world through the Holy Spirit!
Join us for an eye-opening conversation about how business and faith leaders here in the Twin Cities are developing a business incubator and accelerator for Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs. You’ll hear stories of success, be first in on the vision, and break into smaller groups to discuss how you can take a next step in leading, supporting, or praying for this collaborative project to launch entrepreneurs for the glory of God!
Hosted in partnership with River Valley Church, Transform Our World, Open Network, At Work on Purpose, Ambassadors for Business, and many others!
Virtual event begins at 8pm on Tuesday, October 27th with breakouts to follow.
Event Schedule
- 8:00pm - Welcome from our host, Clynt Reddy
- 8:05pm - Interview with Matt Glover, Kingdom Entrepreneur and Chuck Proudfit, Kingdom Accelerator
- 8:30pm - Overview of Transformational Incubator with Kevin Mitchell
- 8:45pm - Breakout Options reviewed and Main Session ends
Breakout Options
- I’m an entrepreneur, where do I start? Meeting ID: 948 4781 8035 – passcode: S9PJkA#@
- I’m a business leader, how can I help? Meeting ID: 844 0387 6607 – passcode: 585332
- I’m a church leader, how can I get my congregation involved? Meeting ID: 958 609 5081
- I’m a student or new to all this, how can I learn more? Meeting ID: 854 3348 2799 – passcode: 980503
- I think I’m called to do this overseas among the least reached, what’s next for me? Meeting ID: 492 340 5822 – passcode: OPENCLR
- I’m not sure what my next step is but I love what’s happening, how can I support this? Meeting ID: 667 832 4078
Event Organizers and Sponsors