Thrive! Prayer Walk - Minneapolis
Join our prayer team to pray over Minneapolis and our surrounding area.
Minneapolis has changed a lot since the start of Covid-19 and the riots. Yet, we know GOD has a plan for the city.
It is His.
There have been many prophecies over the city including a book written by Rick Heeren, The Threshing Floor, which calls-out Minneapolis as the headwaters for global revival.
Ambassadors For Business has a Thrive! Pray Minneapolis group that meets weekly (virtually) - Mondays at noon - for just that purpose. Click here for more information.
Now is the time for the Ekklesia to start prayer walking the city.
Please join us as the LORD leads.
Heidi Habben
Minneapolis Thrive Community Leader
President of CRASH+SUES
US Bank Plaza | Minneapolis, MN (S 6th St + 2nd Ave S) at 2:30 p.m.